#75 - November 2017

What does it mean to celebrate and concretize for today Marx’s greatest work, Capital, Vol. I? Such a discussion is terribly important at this juncture, when we are in a new situation where even some sectors of the right have...
I recall that in the first classroom lecture I gave, in September 1968, I referred to capitalism as being in crisis. I have never stopped saying this, year after year.
Victor Wallis’s powerful piece on “Capitalism Unhinged” provoked many reactions in those of us who read it. He has kindly invited me to write some brief comments, along with other members of the Socialism...
The cross-continental region that was to become the United States possessed an incomparable bounty of arable land and natural resources of all types linked together by navigable river systems flowing into ice-free harbors. However, for...
A most interesting—and troubling—thing about Lenin in this centenary year of the 1917 “October” Revolution is that in the press and other circles he has become associated with Steve Bannon, formerly Trump’s...
Socialism and Democracy convened a roundtable conversation at the 2017 Left Forum, “The Party: Do We Need It? If So, What Does...
The British referendum vote in favour of leaving the European Union was considered by many right-wing and Eurosceptic media outlets and...
Emma Bell makes a number of salient points in her paper: it is true that the Brexit referendum was far from being a model of democratic practice; that referenda in general are more problematic than their...
During his presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump promised to make “America great again,” relieving it from the burdens of global leadership and...
What election?
Many casual observers’ reaction to Iran’s presidential elections would be “What election? Are there real elections in Iran?” The...
With the exception of Marxism and some strands of radical republicanism, in most branches of political theory, especially those related to...
Korean partition was created in 1945 by a USSR/US military accord by which jurisdiction of the peninsula was divided roughly in half between the Soviet and US occupation armies at the 38th Parallel. Three and...
Review Essay
Samuel Farber. The Politics of Che Guevara: Theory and Practice (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2016
Philosopher Alain Badiou in his...
Book Reviews
Manisha Sinha, The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016), 768 pp., $25
From start to...
Patrick Wolfe, Traces of History: Elementary Structures of Race (New York: Verso Press, 2016), 296 pp., $29.95
In light of the...
Sarah D. Wald, The Nature of California: Race, Citizenship and Farming since the Dust Bowl (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2016), 297 pp., $30.
Paul Le Blanc, Left Americana: The Radical Heart of U.S. History (Chicago: Haymarket Press, 2017), 251 pp., $22
An old phrase of...
Michael Barker. Under the Mask of Philanthropy (Leicester, UK: Hextall Press, 2017), 556 pp. $20.
Michael Barker’s Under the...
Andrew T. Lamas, Todd Wolfson and Peter N. Funke, eds., The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2017),...
Samir Amin, The Reawakening of the Arab World: Challenges and Change in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2016), 233 pp., $20.40....
Daniel Egan, The Dialectic of Position and Maneuver: Understanding Gramsci’s Military Metaphor (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2017), 142 pp., $28.
Robert Roth, Book of Pieces (New York: And Then Press, 2016) 301 pp., $15
Robert Roth’s Book of Pieces touches...
Film Review
Heidi Brandenburg and Mathew Orzel, When Two Worlds Collide,Yachaywasi Films, Newport (UK), 2016.
On April 9, 2009...
Kevin B. Anderson teaches at University of California, Santa Barbara and is the author of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism (1995) and Marx at the Margins (2010/2016). He is a member of the...