#62 - July 2013

Current Left Theory and Practice
Critical reflections on Jodi Dean’s The Communist Horizon
The eye-grabbing cover of Jodi Dean’s The Communist Horizon (Verso, 2012) depicts what...
Joseph G. Ramsey: How would you trace your own relationship to communism as a cause and a concept? You attribute the notion of the communist “horizon” to Bruno Bosteels (who takes up the term from the Bolivian Marxist...
[Ed. Note: This article was published as a photo-essay. To obtain the original file complete with over two dozen photos, contact info@sdonline.org.]
Topics in Recent History
El cine es un sueño, pero un sueño que siempre tiene una llamada de alerta.2
Not since Sergei Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov in the USSR in the 1920s had an innovative national...
On September 4, 1970, the Popular Unity (UP) coalition of left parties,1 with Salvador Allende as its candidate, won Chile’s presidential election. The brief and intense historical moment...
Discoveries at a German Mass Murder Site in Ukraine
Author’s Note: The officially accepted version of the Katyn Massacre can be read on its Wikipedia page - ...
The Mediterranean small island state of Malta (population 400,000) recently paid final respects to its internationally best known politician, former socialist Prime Minister Dom Mintoff, who died at his residence on August 20 2012 at...
The Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School: To the Next Generation
The Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School—an important left educational and cultural center in New York City since 1975--is undergoing a significant change. Liz Mestres, one of the organization's founders and its Director for the...
The Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School—an important left educational and cultural center in New York City since 1975--is undergoing a significant change. Liz Mestres, one of the organization's founders and its Director for the...
Review Essay
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, The Globalization of NATO (Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2012).1
... the class struggle in our time has been thoroughly internationalized. The revolutionary initiative against capitalism...
Book Reviews
Carol Quirke, Eyes on Labor: News Photography and America’s Working Class (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012)
As a European I have often wondered why perceptions of labor in the United States are...
Michael Heinrich, An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital, trans. Alexander Locascio (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2012).
Do we need another introduction to Capital...
John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney, The Endless Crisis: How Monopoly-Finance Capital Produces Stagnation and Upheaval From the USA to China (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2012)
John Eric Marot, The October Revolution in Prospect and Retrospect: Interventions in Russian and Soviet History (Leiden: Brill, 2012)
What if Bukharin and Trotsky Had Made Friends?
Over the course...
Adam Hanieh, Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States (London: Palgrave McMillan, 2011)
The revolutions across the Middle East shocked political analysts and academics alike, as their intellectual...
Hsiao-Hung Pai, Scattered Sand: The Story of China’s Rural Migrants (London:Verso, 2012)
Hsiao-Hung Pai’s new book explores exploitation and injustice among migrant laborers in contemporary China. With a...
David Harvey, Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution (London: Verso, 2012)
Of all human creations, the city is undoubtedly the most victorious at remaking the natural...
James Lerner (author), Richard Neil Lerner and Anna Marie Taylor (eds), Course of Action: A Journalist’s Account from Inside the American League Against...
Richard Wolff, Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2012)
In 2010 Richard Wolff published Capitalism Hits The Fan! The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do about It...
Richard D. Wolff and Stephen A. Resnick, Contending Economic Theories (Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 2012)
Like a virtual college course, this accessible, easy-to-understand book lets you...
Gerald Meyer, Vito Marcantonio, Radical Politician, 1902-1954 (Albany: SUNY Press, 1989, reprinted 2012)
Vito Marcantonio’s Continuing Relevance
This book examines the career of one of America's...
Mary Boger, a founding member of the New York Marxist School/Brecht Forum, is a long-time Capital teacher for movement activists and has been involved in solidarity and human rights struggles for many years....